采购产品电动剪刀,电剪刀,电动工具,五金工具,服装设备 |
主营地区会展南七路25号210室 |
研发部门人数5 - 10 人 |
经营模式生产型 |
经营期限1949-01-01 至 2042-12-31 |
最近年检时间2018年 |
登记机关厦门市思明区市场监督管理局 |
品牌名称WBT |
主要客户群所有人群 |
年营业额人民币 100 万元/年 - 200 万元/年 |
年营出口额人民币 10 万元/年以下 |
年营进口额人民币 10 万元/年以下 |
经营范围Electric Scissors is widely used in families or various factories that need cutting 1-10MM(depend on materials) such as underwear, clothing, textile, leather, shoes and hats, furniture, packaging, suitcases and bags, handbags, curtain cloth, and sports goods. Portable Electric Scissors 1. It is convenient and portable, chargeable and electric plugged, with flexible operation and free turning, it is safe and reliable. 2. It is environmental protection, low consumption and high energy efficient, so it can enhance the production efficiency. 3. By adopting tungsten steel blade, it is in durable service, and the cutter head is easily to be changed. 4. With low noise, favorable heat emission, anti-fatigue, and strong continuous work capacity, it can be used both in households and industry. |
是否提供OEM否 |
公司邮编361000 |
公司电话- |
公司传真0592-2073728 |
公司邮箱will_better@163.com |
公司网站http://www.weibeite12.com |
行政区域福建厦门 |
公司地址会展南七路25号210室 |